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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing for 80's Parenting

I want family value parenting and not the next soccer practice, the next new gadget, or the next meeting.  The constant go seems to have corrupted the true value and core of what once was, and its unjust.  When it takes recession for families to "have" to sit down for a meal together, because they can't afford another way, something is seriously wrong with the way people think.  You have a family, so you can be with them, not so you can shove them all off in different directions, an be away from them.
On the different end of the board, you have the extreme parents who overbear, and overcompensate.  To the financial extreme.  Gassing up the SUV to drive across the county for soccer, baseball, baton, or whatever other event their child may have this week or weekend.  Whatever happened to spending time as a family unit, in the backyard, or at the local park, even?  Do we even know our neighbors?  Do our kids play outside or are they too busy being scurried to the next event.
I know my own child can't meet the neighborhood kids because most don't get home until after 8pm activities, and the one that does play when she is around, the tennis involved one, is consistently hitting a ball against the garage.....CONSISTENTLY!!!!
What happened to free time?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Laundry in the Garage

I'm going to review my laundry system. I've been living with my boyfriends mom for about four months now, at first, I thought, wow I'm really going to love having a washer/dryer close in the garage.
Now, now me explain.
His mother, I say mother, because "mom' is a way too comfortable word for her, she really is a MOTHER, and I would love to stick a word in back of that, anyhow, his mother, swears this washer and dryer must last until her dying day. So she watches you like an eagle over prey every time you put in a load of wash.
Second, when we lived in the apartment complex, we could do like 7 loads of laundry at once. Laundry was done in 2 hours FLAT. It was in, It was out. There was the rare occasions you had to wait for some jerk who left a load in, but usually, that was not the case. Here, laundry is a day long process, because if I did a load every few days, you know....the eagle lady would be eying my ass like rodent prey.
Last, but not least, the weather. The garage temperature has dropped considerably in the past few months. It's a dash to get the laundry, and if you start that load in the morning, you are doing that holy crap it is cold dance out there in the garage.
So as far as my garage laundry review goes....Two Bananas, its not monkey poo in the face, but its like that monkey that stuck its finger up his butt and sniffed it.

Angels and Demons

The fact is, being raised as a catholic myself, it raises so many questions, all completely ridiculous...and confusing in parts. I actually fell asleep during this movie...even with the killing of cardinals...*gasp*...!
It painted the catholic cardinals in such a weak light, even I found it offensive. Having them lock themselves in a room, while facing immanent disaster.
If you've seen the Da Vinci Code, then you would understand where this one is headed, if you're catholic, you might just find offense in the secrecy it claims.

Julie & Julia

It's been awhile since I wanted to poach an egg or attend cooking school, but for some odd reason, watching Meryl Streep portray Julia Child made me want to give it some sort of Marine Corps try. If this was the true way of Julia, I say, "ooh-rah" thank God for Julia, because now I want to cook from her book, also.
As for Julie, I was bored with her pissing and moaning, but hers was the typical "today's" version, and turned it into a lovesick story somehow, and if I was Julia, I'd be pissed too, sorry Julie.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Mafia Wars and Facebook 1700 spots

mafia wars post under my profile picture

Ready to take on a bigger Mafia, we have 1700 spots available

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Amazon Kindle

With over 90,000 titles to choose from and the ability to hold over 200 titles at one time, it's really no surprise how quickly this has become such a hit. Titles are usually about $10, and the range for this gadget is endless with accessories. The electronic paper makes it easier on the eyes, to read at night, though some prefer a clip on light accessoryMighty Bright XtraFlex2 Clip-On Light (Kindle Version) Black [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]
You may also wish to purchase a warranty2-Year Extended Warranty for Kindle (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
A Leather Protection cover for your investment
And clear LCS screen protectors

Avatar ART

The word is out, Avatar is THE MUST SEE for the holiday...and we have the art of James Cameron...SWEEEEEET

TVXQ - You can get even more--->

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Did you get what you wanted? Holy special shopping starting tomorrow, and of course, since I handed out gift cards to the kids, we will be headed out to catch those 70% off sales at the stores. As if the weeks before Christmas didn't find us enough bargains, the days after seem to find us all back in the store, spending more of the money we all are scrounging for in our penny jars, trying to get those last minute deals. It's ok, you know...another sale is just around the corner, with the next big thing, and we will all just have to have it, and all this stuff we had to have right now will just be useless stuff that gets pushed aside and gathers dust. It's a beautiful process.
But if I have to buy my daughter one more pair of skinny jeans, and explain to her how much of an 80's throw back she is...I'm gonna just pass out until next year.

TVXQ-MP3's Available NOW!!!!

TVXQ,an acronym for Tong Vfang Xien Qi. In South Korea they are known as Dong Bang Shin Gi; they were later introduced in Japan as Tohoshinki, under the Avex sub-label Rhythm Zone in 2005.
The Rising Gods of the East
Downloads of their songs are available today through Amazon

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Songs

Where are the Christmas songs when you need them??? I found a list of them and most are FREE MP3's

Free Christmas MP3's

Great DVD's and Video on Demand

Wondering what to do with your time Christmas Day, after the gifts are opened, the dinner is cooking, and you aren't a basketball fan? Think Amazon Video on Demand!!!! You must register your device for the service, once you do, you have 50,000 titles at your fingertips.

There are three ways to connect an Amazon Video On Demand compatible device to the internet.

* The simplest way is to connect your TV to your router or broadband (e.g. DSL/Cable) modem with an Ethernet cable.
* If you have a wireless network and your device has wireless connectivity, you can configure your device to connect to your wireless network.
* If your internet is not easily accessible from your device you can extend your wired connection through a power line adapter.

Video on Demand

Last Minute Gift Cards-Available at Amazon

Pops just called and gave the kids a last minute gift card Christmas father like daughter. I am THE gift card giver.  I can't stress enough how important these handy little things are!  It gives every person the freedom to actually buy what they trully want and takes that pressure off of your chest.  Yes, I understand, the whole, it's from the heart thing....but really, isn't it still from the heart if they get to pick it out and know you gave them that ability to get there?
Gift Cards...a way to say I love you, but you know yourself better than anyone else!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cordless Drills

A must have for any do-it yourself fixer or builder.  

Monkey Jammies

Well since we have monkeys all around, wouldn't it just be awesome to cover all our butt's in monkey jammies.   personally, I think everyone should have a pair.  If you were in my house, of course, the dog would obviously chase everyone, because he has a vendetta against monkeys for some reason.  Possibly he was ridden by a circus monkey in his life before we adopted him from the shelter? Hmmm.
Choose your monkey jammies...

ed hardy

Of all things perfect on my Christmas list this year, it would be Ed Hardy designs.  Hoodies, t's, shoes, you name it...I want it.  

Bar Counseling

I'm finding it great that "sigfig" and I can go Christmas shopping, get what we need to done in 20 minutes.  We both absolutely hate to shop, then we can go to the sports bar for my favorite german wheat beer, and receive the best group counseling session EVER!!!
I can't get "sigfig" to ever see a counselor at any other point, yet...somehow, in this bar setting, any of these folks would pour their heart out to a bunch of strangers, at any given point.  My advice to all psychiatrists and counselors is they throw out their old ways, instead of handing out pills later, they just go to the bar, hand every one a beer that wants one, and just set them in the ambiance of "the bar", and the psychiatrist should just roam around behind the bar like a bartender.  It would make the whole situation so much more comforting to so many more people.
Give people mock beers or mock drinks, put them in a dimly lit area with sports playing in the background, eventually they will pull the information out of each other and just counsel one another, usually someone has had it rougher than another one, they can one up the other one or explain how they got through it better or easier. 
Bar Counseling, thats my new answer to lifes problems, put us all in a room and have us solve each others problems, because in a room full of bar goers, someone there is bound to have seen it, been through, or done it, and it was a way bigger deal than you ever thought of having.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

DC Snowball Fight 2009

In the aftermath of the Guerrilla snowball fight in Washington, how much is too much?  You have a plainclothes detective in his hummer, sly about flashing his piece to an army of snowball commandos.  The frustration on his part must have been amazing, but seriously, enough to show you are so serious that you are going to "pop a cap" at one of the hoodlums?
So arrives the Uniformed Police Officer, weapon drawn, but realizing this hummer vigilant must be a detective, holsters his weapon. As begin to walk away, of course, a snowball flies from the crowd, hitting said detective, causing the officer to charge the crowd and detain the snowball enthusiast.
In all of this, a off-duty detective drove into a huge guerrilla snowball fight.  Seeing the snowballs flying was not enough to deter him, because Hummers (the short bus of the mid-life crisis) are impenetrable, though when the snowball did hit his hummer he exited and pulled out his weapon, confronted the crowd with a Hummer and a gun at this point.
Someone from the crowd calls police, who in turn, holster their weapon, charge the crowd, detain a snowball thrower, and exit with the detective.  Who leaves with no charges, whatsoever?  No wonder so many policemen want to make detective.

Reasons for cheer!

Wheat Beer, home grilled avocado burgers and fries!!!! Dayum....brings a tear to your eye don't it?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa...what to do????

So you have kids, what is the proper age to tell your young ones when this big red abomination is not real. My thoughts?
  1.  When they realize they sit on a different Santa's lap every year in the mall
  2.  When they realize Santa writes an awful lot like mommy or daddy
  3.  When they start asking how Santa makes all his rounds to all the kids and you aren't smart enough to answer logistically
  4. If Santa can't remember to put the presents under the tree, or has too much eggnogg Christmas Eve resulting in his gifts being delayed, resulting in an outlandish story of how Santa stopped by and left all the gifts in mommy's room because he needed her to wrap them.
  5. When your kids make songs about Santa CLaws...they are usually about 7 or 8.

What to do:

  1.   Sign all the gifts from mom and dad!!!
  2.   Buy stockings and fill them anyways, continue signing Santa...because.
You explain to kids, Santa comes from within.  its one of those things that comes from the heart.  They can be Santa, too.  They should never take away that gift from someone younger who still hold that belief because then they are stealing a dream, but to give to a belief is the greatest Chritsmas gift you can give,  Technically, everyone is Santa, and the Easter Bunny, etc.

            And thats how it worked with my daughter.... Christmas is a spirit.....its everyones job to keep that spirit alive.

Brittany Murphy in the News

As dysfunctional as this may sound, please let the cause of this be true life illness and not drug induced like all the other pitfalls so many young stars seem to fall into these days. Cardiac Arrest at 32, though not unheard of, is usually linked to drugs and/or alcohol. I would dearly love, for Brittany Murphy to go out with class and not have either of these two things mame the image of her career. Don't fall into the lists of Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, Chris Farley, or DJ AM. We need reason for cause, and proof, honest celebrities still lived and died, even at a young age.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

RIP Briitney Murphey

Cardiac Arrest at 32? You have got to be kidding, whats with actors and actresses today?

Buzzing the Tower

Permission to buzz the tower....a daily tickle in the belly....

It's relative poo

In a nutshell, I really want to know, what the heck it is that makes this dog think a great steaming pile of crap is filet mignon? It really doesn't matter if it's his or the cat (JJ's) , in fact, JJ's is so much more "DEVINE" of him, because it seems, the kitty crystals, well that is just like sprinkling candy shells on the stuff. Then to just run on up to any human, and demand a big loving smooch, really! need to sit and watch Pink Flamingos, because you have obviously stripped a page from the script. UGH!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lizzy Boredom

What the heck is so interesting that this dog must run inside, and outside....repeatedly, so much today. The ghost lizard is obviously too smart for my dear dog, yet Bandit has spent hours today, whining to get outside. Only to stare at the fence in search of this mysterious ghost lizard. Though somewhat entertaining the first four trips out the sliding glass door, the last six are leading me to believe Bandit has serious Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) issues. Lizzy Boredom...the ghost lizard, your days are numbered, as Bandit has been eyeing your every move through the bedroom window.

The antagonizer

Introducing: The Monkey...the noise, and one flippin' out dog!

Bandit Vs. The Monkey Volume 2

I don't know what it is with monkeys, but he really hates this loud monkey. So I'm thinking, While the kids are sleeping....I'm going to go hide this monkey under their pillow and unleash Bandit!!!
Here he digs find the hidden monkey and take it to his bed to try and eat him.

Small Things

The laughter in my life lies within these " Monkey Chronicles", which will be ongoing, and include the war between my dog Bandit, and his hatred of his little stuffed monkey.
Bandit is a 5 year old Parson's Russell Terrier and was a rescue for the Orange County Animal Shelter. I hope you enjoy.