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Monday, January 4, 2010

Las Vegas Courthouse Audio footage  video sent via, You Tube poster Nick Gramenos.

How can you justify going in to a federal building and opening fire?  It's plain suicide.  An act of terrorism.  Sick, sad, world. Guess we just have to pray more today.

No banana for stupid federal building gunner. 5 bananas for The Marshals that took him down.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sledding and the beginning of 2010

We loaded up the truck with our 3 tired, grumpy, and overly unenthusiastic kids Saturday morning for a trip to Mt Baldy in hopes for sledding and a day of snow adventure.  Coming from Northern Arizona, I have to say, at this time of year, snow was pretty easy to find, and you didn't have to go in search of it, much less, drive to a resort to find it.  Those in my family know, I was blessed with the carsickness gene, so a loaded up my meclizine before the winding road trip, just to get up this mountain, which i have to add, is peaked with snow from the view in our yard in Upland.
So, to make a long story short, we drive up to the parking lot, where these young men in "sleeveless" vests, are macho pointing vecicles into their spots, which in itself has to be such a humiliting job, but to be directing cars full of folks who are trying to look up at mountains with no snow on them has to be even more humiliating.  So, we left the sleds and our large jackets in the truck, all opting for a light sweatshirt, to walk up to the lift and find out, well whyin the world would all the ski reports say Mt Baldy was open for a the day when obviously, where the hell is the snow???
To my amazement, they say you have to ride the lift, all the way up this mountain, pay for each kid, just to ride your sleds???? You have got to be kidding me....needless to say, we turned our kids around, gave Mt Baldy the bird, and took the kids to Tom's farms for Burgers and Candy.
Mt Baldy is overpriced and ridiculous, you may as well take the extra time and head up to Big Bear or Mt High.
We have NO Bananas for Mt Baldy.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2-$39.00

Overall, I liked this mich more the Modern Warfare, the turns in the plot were very unpredictable and kept me at the edge of my remote, and not wanting to leave the game.  It has much more to do during the game besides the standard jump and shoot or crouch and crawl, so you seem a lot more into the action.
Bringing the fight onto American soil was really different, it makes me just want to get out of that portion of the game quicker.
The airport scene, is very graphic, before you start the game, it gives you the option to pass a portion of the game.  This would be the area to pass, as it puts you in the position to infiltrate a terrorist cell and take over an airport, killing innocents.  So pass this before starting the game if you believe you will be offended.
Overall, I loved the Mordern Warfare 2 above all other Call of Duty games, the graphic and action sequences are much improved.
I would say definately buy this one.
5 bananas.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing for 80's Parenting

I want family value parenting and not the next soccer practice, the next new gadget, or the next meeting.  The constant go seems to have corrupted the true value and core of what once was, and its unjust.  When it takes recession for families to "have" to sit down for a meal together, because they can't afford another way, something is seriously wrong with the way people think.  You have a family, so you can be with them, not so you can shove them all off in different directions, an be away from them.
On the different end of the board, you have the extreme parents who overbear, and overcompensate.  To the financial extreme.  Gassing up the SUV to drive across the county for soccer, baseball, baton, or whatever other event their child may have this week or weekend.  Whatever happened to spending time as a family unit, in the backyard, or at the local park, even?  Do we even know our neighbors?  Do our kids play outside or are they too busy being scurried to the next event.
I know my own child can't meet the neighborhood kids because most don't get home until after 8pm activities, and the one that does play when she is around, the tennis involved one, is consistently hitting a ball against the garage.....CONSISTENTLY!!!!
What happened to free time?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Laundry in the Garage

I'm going to review my laundry system. I've been living with my boyfriends mom for about four months now, at first, I thought, wow I'm really going to love having a washer/dryer close in the garage.
Now, now me explain.
His mother, I say mother, because "mom' is a way too comfortable word for her, she really is a MOTHER, and I would love to stick a word in back of that, anyhow, his mother, swears this washer and dryer must last until her dying day. So she watches you like an eagle over prey every time you put in a load of wash.
Second, when we lived in the apartment complex, we could do like 7 loads of laundry at once. Laundry was done in 2 hours FLAT. It was in, It was out. There was the rare occasions you had to wait for some jerk who left a load in, but usually, that was not the case. Here, laundry is a day long process, because if I did a load every few days, you know....the eagle lady would be eying my ass like rodent prey.
Last, but not least, the weather. The garage temperature has dropped considerably in the past few months. It's a dash to get the laundry, and if you start that load in the morning, you are doing that holy crap it is cold dance out there in the garage.
So as far as my garage laundry review goes....Two Bananas, its not monkey poo in the face, but its like that monkey that stuck its finger up his butt and sniffed it.

Angels and Demons

The fact is, being raised as a catholic myself, it raises so many questions, all completely ridiculous...and confusing in parts. I actually fell asleep during this movie...even with the killing of cardinals...*gasp*...!
It painted the catholic cardinals in such a weak light, even I found it offensive. Having them lock themselves in a room, while facing immanent disaster.
If you've seen the Da Vinci Code, then you would understand where this one is headed, if you're catholic, you might just find offense in the secrecy it claims.

Julie & Julia

It's been awhile since I wanted to poach an egg or attend cooking school, but for some odd reason, watching Meryl Streep portray Julia Child made me want to give it some sort of Marine Corps try. If this was the true way of Julia, I say, "ooh-rah" thank God for Julia, because now I want to cook from her book, also.
As for Julie, I was bored with her pissing and moaning, but hers was the typical "today's" version, and turned it into a lovesick story somehow, and if I was Julia, I'd be pissed too, sorry Julie.